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Women Holding Hands

Trump Trauma: Process Group for Female Therapists

Meets Monthly

This group will meet monthly, or more often if needed. Female therapists and social workers are in a unique position in this political climate. As women, we are being told we are not valuable. As clinicians, we hold the stories of women deeply affected by the political conversations and decisions being made. We work to empower them in a system where we ourselves feel disempowered. Then many of us go home to our own well intentioned but still patriarchal mini-system.  


If you are a female care worker in need of support to process your own “Trump Trauma”, join a group of similarly like-minded individuals and feel empowered and rejuvenated. We will always have a craft available to make during the two hour group, because sometimes in this work, creating something beautiful and tangible is just the healing element we need. Tea and water provided. Feel free to bring drinks (alcohol and non-alcoholic permitted) or snacks to enjoy or share. 


Cost covers materials. 



women discussion group

(She is) Rooted

8 week Group

Many of the issues I see is a result of a lack of connection. Therapists and other healers are in a unique position where we need confidential space away from the possibility of running into clients to do our own work. Too often, we don't get the care we need. This 8 week group will provide the space you need to build connections and do the healing you need through art, Brene Brown readings, and other creative means decided upon by the group. 


To be put on the wait list for the next group, please email: 



Little & Large Hands

New Mama Support Group 

Meets Monthly

This group meets monthly, but will meet more frequently depending on the needs of your group. Limited to 8 women. Babes in arms welcome. We are working on finding a space with childcare so toddlers and older children can also attend. 



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